OpenCities Map Help

Spatial Database Key-ins

Key-in Required Arguments Optional Arguments Notes
GDI CONNECTIONS - hide show toggle Hides, opens or toggles the Map Connections dialog.
GDI CONNECT FILE file=fileName user=userName password=password Used to connect to a supported spatial database XML settings files: Oracle (orax), SQL Server (sqlx), WFS (wfxs), Esri GDB (gdbx), and Postgis (postgisx)

Example: gdi connect file file=c:\database\eastcity.orax password=eastcity

Oracle orax files stores the Oracle Open Parameters which includes user, host, service and port.

Enclose folder names with spaces in double quotes.

Workspace configuration variables can be used of the form of $(VarName)

GDI CONNECT GDB - dir The folder can contain spaces.

Examples: gdi connect gdb c:/my database/eastcity.gdb

Variables can also be used to define folder locations: gdi connect gdb $(MAPGDB)eastcity.gdb

GDI CONNECT GRAPHICALSOURCE name=graphicalSource user=userName password=password If a name is not provided, then an attempt will be made to connect to the first graphical source.
GDI CONNECT ORACLE user/password@host:port/database user/password@host/database user/password@service - Service is the TNS Service name
GDI CONNECT ORACLE user=userName password=password host=hostName database=databaseName port=portNumber User and password are optional if using Windows authentication
GDI CONNECT ORACLE user=userName password=password service=serviceName - User and password are optional if using Windows authentication.

Service is the TNS Service name

GDI CONNECT SQLSERVER user/password@host:database host:database - If using Windows authentication, use the second form.

Example: gdi connect sqlserver localhost\SQLEXPRESS:EastCity

GDI CONNECT SQLSERVER user=userName password=password host=hostName database=databaseName - User and password are optional if using Windows authentication
GDI CONNECT WFS user/password@url user/password@url|namespace - The url is the only required parameter, so you could have a connect string such as:
GDI CONNECT WFS url=url namespace=nameSpace user=userName password=password The url is the only required parameter.
GDI CONNECTION EDITFEATURES - - Opens the Edit Feature Definitions dialog. Requires an active connection.
GDI CONNECTION SAVEASDGN - - Saves to a Live DGN. Requires an active Oracle connection.
GDI CONNECTION SAVEASXML - - Saves the current connection to an XML settings file: Oracle (orax), SQL Server (sqlx), WFS (wfxs), Esri GDB (gdbx), and Postgis (postgisx)
GDI CONNECTION SAVEXML - - Saves the open XML settings file.
GDI CONNECTION SELECTVERSION - - Opens the Select Version dialog when using an Oracle connection with non-temporary locks.
GDI QUERY feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewNum


Queries the selected features of the active connection.

A spatial qualifier needs to be present. If not, you will be prompted through the standard interface.

All - All selected features in the open connection will be queried.

Fence - If a fence is present, the query is restricted to the fence

View - The query is restricted to the selected view.

Example: gdi query feature=lots,curbs view 1

If the selected feature has a Where Clause, it can be ignored by setting applywhere=false. The default is true.

GDI SET STREAMING feature=featureName on


view viewNum

Turns the data streaming on or off for the specified feature.

Example: gdi set streaming on view=1 feature=eastcity_lots

GDI LOCK feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewnum




Locks the specified features by the defined spatial qualifier.

Refresh Features is false by default.

Apply Where Clause is true by default

Not valid for WFS data sources.

GDI UNLOCK feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewnum



Unlocks the specified features by the defined spatial qualifier.

Discard Changes is off (false) by default.

Not valid for WFS data sources.

GDI POST feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewnum




Posts all changed features subject to any partial posting variables and spatial qualifier.

Continue On Error is on (true) if GDI_PARTIAL_POSTING is set. If not, then it is off (false).

If the selected feature has a Where Clause, it can be ignored by setting applywhere=false. The default is true.

Not valid for WFS data sources

GDI DISCARD feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewnum





Discards all changes made to any spatial features since the last lock or post process as defined by the spatial qualifier.

Apply Where Clause is true by default.

Refresh Local Instances is false by default.

Retain Locks is false by default.

Not valid for WFS data sources.

GDI_KEEP_CONNECTION_OPEN_ON_FILE_CLOSE Preserves the graphical source connection when changing files. The default behavior is to automatically close the graphical source connection when changing files. This ensures that you connect to the correct graphical source for each design file as it is opened. Adding this variable should be used with care. Always ensure you are connected to the correct graphical source.
GDI ERASE feature=feature1,feature2,… all


view viewnum

selection applywhere=true|false

Erases the selected feature from the local DGN cache as defined by the spatial qualifier.

Apply Where Clauses is true by default.

GDI UPDATE DOMAINLISTS - - Updates dynamic domain lists.
GDI TEXTURES disablequery enablequery - Disables or enables querying texture images during a query operation. The default query is true.
GDI DISCONNECT - - Removes the active connection.
GDI TIME - - Displays the current date and time in the Message Center.
Note: Ensure there are no spaces before and after the = sign in the above key-ins.